Exercise Resistance Bands

Resistance Bands Exercises for Thicker Thigh – 8 Effective Workouts

Everyone wants their thighs to look firm, toned, and shaped. But not everyone has the time or affordability to head to the flashy gym regularly. So, for them today I’ve got the perfect solution. We’re going to learn Resistance Bands Exercises for Thicker thighs.

These thigh exercises with a resistance band will boost up not only your thigh muscles but also your glutes and calves. Most of the time, people tend to think only intimidating dumbbells or weight exercises are the options for getting a toned thigh.

But, relax! With a resistance band, you can easily do some effective and efficient exercises that’ll shape your thighs for sure. A good resistance band challenges your thigh muscles in many ways. That’s how it strengthens your muscles.

These thigh exercises promote better physical alignment and great body balance. So, let’s get to know all the effective and easiest thigh exercises with a resistance band. As there’ll be more related tips and advice, so for better understanding please read the full article.

5 Reasons Thigh Exercise With Resistance Band Is Worthy

Unlike weight exercises, you won’t face much pressure, stress, or trouble in doing resistance band thigh exercise. Not only does it improve power and endurance but also builds muscles. There are some reasons why you shouldn’t skip your leg day. Those are given below-

  1. Doing thigh exercise with a resistance band is like 3-in-1. You’re having glutes, thigh, and calves muscles benefit from these simple exercises.
  2. If you maintain a regular thigh exercise routine, you’ll have the perfect body symmetry.
  3. It improves your bone density and prevents joint pain. Plus, as it’s a resistance band, unlike other weight exercises, it puts less pressure on joints.
  4. It burns the fats of the outer & inner thigh and makes the thigh toned and shaped.
  5. Performing thigh exercises with bands can improve your core and strength.
  6. It also develops daily functional movements like running, walking, sitting, or even getting out of bed.
  7. Lastly, it boosts your confidence and self-esteem.

How to Choose The Right Resistance Band For Thigh Workout?

There are different resistance level bands in the market. If you don’t have one, you can get one online easily. The resistance level goes from Light, Extra-light, Medium, and Heavy to Extra-Heavy.  Some exercise requires loose resistance and some require harder pressure.

So, it’s better to buy a package where you’ll get multiple resistance bands together. If your resistance band lets you complete your exercise for more than 15 reps, then you should get a step heavier pressure resistance. Plus, if you don’t let yourself finish 12 reps, then you should get a lighter band.

The perfect resistance band should let you complete 12-15 reps without breaking any form and creating the exact tension between muscles. If you don’t have multiple pressure bands, then add or lose more resistance bands to get the perfect resistance.

Resistance Bands Exercises for Thicker Thigh

Resistance Bands Exercises for Thicker Thigh

Now, the moves! Below they are given all the demonstrations of the exercises and how many reps should be done. So, let’s get into it.

Targeted Muscles

  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Glutes
  • Calves

1. Banded Front Squat

This squat focuses on your quadriceps and creates tension in between your inner thighs. Let’s see how to do it-


  • Place one side of the resistance band under the arch of your feet and stand hip-width apart.
  • Take the other side of the band in your hand. Keep your palm in an upward direction. The band should be level with your shoulder.
  • Now, like the basic squat, bend down your knee 90°. While bending, throw your hand up fully extended, stretching the band.
  • Keep your knees inside the band while bending for squat.
  • Repeat this stance for 3 sets of 15 reps.

2. Clamshell

Clamshell tones your inner and outer thigh muscles. Plus, it focuses on giving proper form and control to the movements. Here’s the process-


  • Lay on a yoga mat and wrap a resistance band around your thighs above your knees.
  • Side lie(For Example Right Side) with your knees bent 90°, back straight, left forearm supporting the body, right hand relaxed on the waist and right leg stacked on top of the left.
  • Squeezing your glutes, creating tension in the bands, and keeping your feet together, lift your right knee as high as you can.
  • Pause on the peak point for 2-3 seconds and slow down your knees.
  • Switching each leg, continue this exercise for 2 sets of 10 reps.

3. Banded Crab Walk

This one targets both thighs and leg muscles. It’s easy to do. Here’s the way to do it-


  • Place a resistance band just above your knees around your thighs.
  • Stand in a squat position, feet hip-width apart, and keep your hips & back at a 45°-90° angle.
  • Now, step one foot outwards the band laterally, so the band stretches and your feet can be slightly more than hip-apart.
  • Keep the stance and move the alternate foot inwards to get back in the hip-width distance. Continue this one side and then switch to another side.
  • Do these steps for 15 reps.

4. Banded Sumo Squat

Sumo squat especially helps for burning inner thigh fat and toning the muscles. It’s almost similar to a basic squat, but a bit spicy. Here goes the process-


  • Place a resistance band around your thighs just above your knees.
  • Take a standing position slightly more than hip-width apart. Your hips and back will be angled at 45°.
  • Slowly bend your legs and get down in the squat position. Hold the stance for 2-3 seconds.
  • Now, push your heels against the floor slowly and get back in the previous position.
  • Repeat this stance for 12-15 reps.

5. Lateral Band Walk

This exercise will put your inner and outer thighs on fire. It’s very effective to shape the thigh area. Let’s see the process-


  • Wrap a mini-loop resistance band around your ankles and stand at a hip-width distance.
  • Slightly bend your knees, keeping your hand forward or on your waist.
  • Engage your core and squeeze your hips, step your left foot on the left side and it should be noa w aa at a shoulder-length distance.
  • Step right foot on the left side laterally to get back in the hip-width distance. Be careful to keep the band tight during this time.
  • Switch the sides and continue doing this for 12 reps.

6. Standing Leg Lift

Leg lift focuses on the bigger plus smaller muscles in the thigh to the calves. Here’s how it’s done-


  • Wrap a mini-loop resistance band around your ankles and stand at a hip-width distance.
  • Support your weight on the right side and squeeze your glutes and lift your left leg to the side.
  • Notice the tension between the band and stretch the band as much as you can without doubling or leaning beside anything.
  • Return to the previous position and alternate the sides. Repeat this process for 10 reps.

7. Banded Pull Through 

Banded pull-through is a tough exercise and it’s extremely effective. It can be done properly. Let’s see the process-


  • Attach the loop resistance band with any anchor or bench at the knee height length. Check if it’s sturdy enough.
  • Grab the other side of the band with your hand and place your hands in between your legs underneath you. So, the band is in your hand underneath you between your legs.
  • Stand at hip-width apart and back to the anchor or bench.
  • Step forward until you get pushed back by the band and take a stable position.
  • Now keep your back flat, hands pulling the bands in between your legs and chest forward. Now, lean forward and bend your knees.
  • When you feel enough tension and stretch at the hamstring muscles, then push your hips back in the position squeezing your glutes.
  • Again lower yourself, chest forward, back flat, knee bending, and hand pulling the band through your legs. Repeat this process for 12-15 reps.

8. Banded Hamstring Curl

This is another tricky yet one of the best thigh exercises with a resistance band. The result can be mind-blowing from this exercise. Here we go-


  • Attach the resistance band to an anchor or very sturdy structure like a doorknob or pole at ankle height distance.
  • Walk a few feet(1-2 feet) away from the attached anchor point and grab the other side of it.
  • Wrap the band around your feet and twist it. Now, lie down on your chest. Keep your kgs fully extended.
  • Now, curl your legs towards your hips, getting your thigh muscles engaging. Stretch until your legs can touch your hips.
  • Slowly lower your legs back down but make sure to keep the tension in the muscles.
  • Do this for 15 reps in 2 sets.

If you want to learn a little attentively then you can check out this video – Lets GROW your THIGHS with resistance bands – Thicker thighs workout


Do resistance bands work for thighs?

Resistance bands are specifically ideal for lower body workouts like thigh, glutes, or legs. It adds resistance in different movements and activates the muscles gradually. A resistance band forces your muscles to move in the proper way to get toned or shaped.

How can I reduce my thigh fat?

If you increase your resistance training with a full-body workout, then it’ll be extremely effective. Perform these activities for 2 days per week. Do a full-body workout to burn calories and strengthen your thigh. Squat, leg lift or hamstring curl will help a lot.

How can I tone my thighs in 2 weeks?

If you can perform squats, sumo squats, lunges, or leg lifts, your thighs will inevitably begin to grow within 2 weeks. Follow a proper routine checked by your trainer and do these exercises 3 days per week.

Some Additional Tips

Here comes some tips you may find useful when doing all the vigorous exercises-

  • Darker resistance bands have more resistance and elasticity than lighter colors. So, stick to lighter colors at the beginning and slowly use darker colors later.
  • Always wear shoes or sneakers while doing exercises.
  • Attach the resistance band with a tight anchor or doorknob while doing pull-through exercises.
  • Check the band before using it every time if there is any tear or crack.
  • Don’t overstretch the bands as they can snap or tear anytime.

Wrap Up

Well, now you know some effective resistance band exercises for thicker thighs. Thigh workouts with a resistance band are a great way to strengthen and improve the muscles. If you don’t have access to gym equipment, then the resistance band is the perfect tool you can use for your leg days. Thank you for reading until now!