Exercise Resistance Bands

How to Train to Do Pull ups with a Resistance Band – The Ultimate Guide

Just like abs, chest, biceps, or shoulder back strengthening exercises are also necessary. Did you know that you can do pull-ups with a resistance band? Yes, today we’ll talk about how to train to do pull ups with a resistance band and its importance. It improves back strength and functional body movement.

Doing pull-ups with a resistance band adds some extra challenges to the movement. It makes the exercise more effective and efficient. Plus, those who are beginners doing pull-ups with resistance bands will help to get a better and proper form.

There are various kinds of pull-up exercises specified for beginners, medium, or expert levels. You can try all of those with a single resistance band which is wonderful. So, to achieve your fitness goal, strengthen your body and improve your core, you should try doing pull-ups with resistance bands.

So, let’s hurry and see how you can do pull-ups with a single resistance band. Plus some related tips and information are also given. Hence, please read the full article to understand it properly.

What Is Pull Up Exercise?

Simply a pull-up exercise is, hanging from a pull-up bar with only supporting your two arms. You’ve to pull yourself up to your chin until it’s above the bar. It’s pretty different from chin-ups.

However, pull-ups are considered a very tough exercise because you’ve to defeat the gravity to pull yourself up to the chin level. That’s why not everyone can perform this exercise. Yet, there is an assistant pull-up exercise suitable for beginners. And regular pull-ups for advanced athletes.

Benefits of Pull-Up Exercises

Pull ups benefit

There are various types of pull-up exercises we’re gonna discuss in this article today. But, most of the 2 popular pull-up exercises are regular pull-ups and assistant pull-ups. Though, unlike regular pull-ups, assistant pull-ups don’t have all the effectiveness.

Yet, you’ll get the utmost result from it. Here is the summarization of all the benefits you’ll get from all kinds of pull-ups.

  1. Pull-up targets all the muscles in the back and strengthens the grips.
  2. It not only works on the back but also on the shoulder and arm muscles.
  3. Pull up improves overall body strength and helps to achieve the fitness goal.
  4. It improves grip strength as it’s important if you want to do weight lifts in the future.
  5. It challenges your muscles, so eventually, you’ll understand how stronger you’ve become.
  6. Vanishing your stress, anxiety, and fatigue improves your blood circulation. Shapes your body and overall improves your self-esteem with mental health.

Ways to Train Pull-Up With Resistance Band

Ways to Train Pull-Up With Resistance Band

Pull-up exercise comes with a lot of benefits. It has health benefits, mental health improvement as well as fitness goal achievement. Use a good kind of resistance band and check it before using it.

Regular Pull-Up Exercise

Regular pull-up exercise gives you the ultimate and best result from the pull-ups.

Targeted Muscle: Lateral Muscles(Back), Shoulder & Arms(Biceps)

Here’s how you perform a Regular Pull-Up exercise-

  1. Take a resistance band and loop it around the bar creating a hanging loop. Check if it’s right enough.
  2. Now, using your overhand grip(palms in an upward direction), position yourself in front of the pullup bar. Your hands will be slightly wider than your shoulder.
  3. On the other side of the loop, place one of your feet or knees on the band. The band will be positioned under the arch of your feet. Cross your ankle one over another.
  4. Slowly, lift your body using your two arms and lift until you reach your chin-up.
  5. Take a one-second pause on the pea position and slowly lower back down to the previous position.
  6. You should do these 3 to 8 sets in 5 to 8 reps.

Assistant Pull-Up Exercise

Unlike regular pull-ups, assistant pull-ups help you to build your strength and balance. It develops you in the proper form.

Targeted Muscles: Shoulder, Back & Arms.

Now, here’s how you perform an Assistant Pull-Up exercise-

  1. Just like the previous one, stand in front of the pullup bar. Overgrip on the bar, hands are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Now, place one of your feet on the resistance band with the help of your partner.
  3. Then, ask your partner to support your upper back or waist when you lift your body with your arms. You can also ask them to keep your legs steady and firm on the band.
  4. In short, have them help you in any way to balance yourself and keep your form right.
  5. Slowly come back down in the starting position and repeat this in 5-8 reps.

For further information on assisted pull up exercises, you can check this video too – 

Resistance Band Assisted Pullups

Beginner Friendly Options for Pull-Ups

When you’re in exercise, it’ll be pretty tough to get the perfect and regular pull-ups with a resistance band. So, there are some tips-

  1. Hang from the pullup bar with the help of a resistance band for 20-30 seconds. No need to do extra sets or reps. Because if you overdo it, your muscles will be extremely sore and you’ll eventually fall.
  2. Try getting a rainy assistant for doing pull-ups.

Expert Options For Pull-Ups

If you’re already an ace of pull-ups, then it’s better to perform something more challenging. For example-

  1. Do pull-ups holding one hand on the pullup bar.
  2. Add a weight on a vest or weight belt

Common Errors

As pull-up is quite a tough exercise, people make some common mistakes while doing it. I pointed out all the common errors and described them here for your better understanding. The mistakes are given below-

  1. Not Too Fast

The whole exercise should be slow and calm. If you pull up quite fast, it’ll exhaust you and probably create some fatigue. Plus, if you do it faster, the movements will be sloppy and there won’t be any benefits. Moreover, doing pull-ups fast can injure your muscles.

  1. At First Short Range of Motion

If you’re a beginner, it’s better to start with a short distance for doing pull-ups. Like, stand on any tool/chair, and from that distance do pull-ups to your chin.

But if you have enough strength, then extend your hand completely and stand at the bottom. Then, bring your chin up to the pullup bar. That’s the raw and authentic pull-up.

  1. Enough Wide Hand

Keep your hands wider than shoulder-width. It helps to support the weight of the athlete on their hands. If it’s too wide or too narrow, you won’t get the full motion range.

  1. Don’t Spread Your Elbows

Keep your elbows by the side of your body. Don’t let it spread much, otherwise, you’ll feel more uncomfortable lifting your body.

  1. Wrist & Thumb

Your wrist position should be in the overgrip position. That means your palm should be in the upward direction. Your thumb will be on the same side of your fingers, not wrapped around the pullup bar. Lastly, your wrist will be firm on the pullup bar, it shouldn’t move.


Safety Tips

To avoid any injuries or risks, here comes some safety and precaution tips-

  • Check if you have any shoulder, wrist, arm, neck, or back injuries. If there is any, refrain from doing pull-ups.
  • Before making your routine pull-ups, talk to your trainer and doctor for better advice.
  • Always check the resistance band before using it. Check if it’s sturdy and if elasticity is enough.
  • Always remember that the more you weigh, the more it’ll be difficult for you to do pull-ups. So, don’t cross the limit of your strength.
  • Do pull-ups two days per week at first to avoid sore muscles and injury. After getting I used to take one day off after doing pull-ups.
  • Check the pullup handlebar is sturdy, tough, and tight enough to hold your weight.



Why is pull-up an important exercise?

Pull-ups strengthen your back muscles. It not only tones your back muscles but also serves some health and mental health benefits too. As it’s a vigorous exercise, it challenges all the back, shoulder, arm, and neck muscles and improves the core balance.

Do resistance bands work for pull-ups?

A resistance band adds extra resistance and challenges to any kind of exercise. It forces your muscles to perform better and in proper form. That’s why you get the ultimate and best result. As much as your muscles will be challenged, the more they’ll activate.

What if I do pull-ups every day?

If you want to perform pull-ups every day, your strength and stamina must be fierce. Having enough stamina and core balance is the main element to do pull-ups regularly. It’s one of the best workouts and brings many extra health benefits.

How long does it take to see results from pull-ups?

If you perform pull-ups in a routine and proper sets & reps, then it’s most likely take 2-4 weeks to see and understand the result. It’s better to take a before fitness goal and after fitness goal picture to get a better idea.

Last Words

You can add these resistance band pull-ups into any kind of exercise routine you want. It’s tough at first for the tough resistance of the bands. But, it’ll be easier once you practice it in a proper routine. With these exercises, eat healthily and drink a lot of water.

You can add these resistance band pull-ups to your free-weight exercise routine. Now you know how to train to do pull ups with a resistance band. So, make your fitness goal and start your workout session!